In addition to hosting high quality open mics at flavorful venues and spunky festivals, Victory Music offers its members some distinct privileges.
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meet players & expand your tribeVictory Music maintains a members database that becomes musician referral service to help you flesh out your band, collaborate on songwriting, split bills, or just jam.
Our members consistently tell us that the single most valuable benefit they've gained through their involvement with Victory Music over the years is the wealth of friendships they have formed. If you are a musician - especially a younger creative, you understand how important it is to surround yourself with people who understand your calling and its challenges. You want people around you, who encourage and inspire you to pursue your best creative self, and who celebrate your uniqueness with wild applause and open-handed support. That's your musical tribe. That's Victory Music. As the longest- running music-minded organization in the Northwest, Victory Music has weathered profit and boom, tight-belts and gloom. And we still sing! |
discounts on events & productsOver the past four decades Victory Music has sunk its roots deep into the Northwest musical community, creating copacetic collaborations with various music-minded organizations and retailers. As a Victory Music member you benefit through price breaks on some events and music-related products offered by this community.
If you work at a music or service related business and are interested in offering discounts to our members, email us and we'll set up a win-win. |
volunteers can earn a membership!
Annual membership starts as low as $15, yet we get that musicians are not always flush with cash. So, we will trade you. In exchange for a few hours of life-force each month, (reviewing CDs, helping set up venues, running sound, promoting an event on our Facebook page, or interviewing a featured artist), badda boom badda bing - you're official! If that sounds good to you, go to this VOLUNTEER SIGN UP page. Otherwise, go to this JOIN page and we'll take your money.