SEATTLE-TACOMA Open Mic Volunteer Assignments
(Updated soon
People interested in helping out just once in a while should note there is a 5th week of the month in May (marked in yellow), an excellent opportunity for an occasional volunteer to step up to fill in for the odd week. Just click on any 'Open' field to be directed to the Volunteer sign-up page, where you'll have an opportunity to specify which week you'd like to work.
Remember, serving once a month for three months in any one slot (say, sound at Cafe Zippy or Grumpy D's) gets you a free One-Year membership!
People interested in helping out just once in a while should note there is a 5th week of the month in May (marked in yellow), an excellent opportunity for an occasional volunteer to step up to fill in for the odd week. Just click on any 'Open' field to be directed to the Volunteer sign-up page, where you'll have an opportunity to specify which week you'd like to work.
Remember, serving once a month for three months in any one slot (say, sound at Cafe Zippy or Grumpy D's) gets you a free One-Year membership!